riggers for disney, all union card holders |
borthers chuck levalle and robert moody rig high in the arena |
brother levalle proves to us you can get on top of the high steel, but not really |
brothers willie smith and chuck levalle move a point from one beam to another |
brother smith slides a point into position |
visit brother matt haddock's site on disney at http://m_t_h.home.netcom.com/shared/disney/ |
brother mike satterfield makes a point |
The surrounding pictures are dedicated to the
riggers of Local 320 and those from other jurisdictions that have come to support us. Without these brothers we would not
exist. This page is a tribute to them
brother robert braitsch lends a hand from the catwalk |
brother moody makes a high steel point |
let us not forget the lucas theatre and our petition for representation |
brother moody helps borther satterfield fix a point |
brother levalle waits for his line to be connected to the rigging steel below |
brother levalle making his point |
brother levalle finished with his point gets his rope in order |